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Data Collection programme launched at the Loch Bay farm

Data Collection programme launched at the Loch Bay farm

Kaly Group is carefully working through its farm testing phase, collecting data where it can. Careful analysis of data gathered will hopefully provide valuable insights into biomass growth rates and drivers, changes in chemical composition throughout the season and effects our seaweed farming may have on the natural environment.

  • Optimise production of the most valuable chemical components for our customer base.
  • Understand how to drive biomass yields so we can eventually lower our cost of production.
  • Selection of future farming sites with the highest potential for profitable production.

At this first stage, we are partnering with UMITRON in the usage of satellite data, providing us daily data on 8 variables (sea surface temperature, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll A levels, salinity, wave heights, ocean currents and wind). In subsequent phases we will hook up the satellite data with actual local data buoys, further enhancing data quality.

With its distinct topography, it is highly interesting to us to see how, a small marine area around the Isle of Skye, Scotland already contains such different levels of for instance cholorophyll A, an indicator of nutrient levels in the water.