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We have appropriate channels for effective voice from the workforce

Kaly has a small team of 10 part-time and full-time employees. In order to ensure that their voices are heard and valued, they each have regular 1-2-1 meeting with management, not only in capacity of meeting the role requirements but also as opportunities for pastoral care and support. Additionally, each team member has a director from the Board who is appointed to provide additional, less formal support where and when appropriate.  

This staff – Board member mentoring has a key role in ensuring the employee is happy at work and is receiving all the necessary supports to enable the completion of tasks, including additional pastoral care requirements.  Board mentors also support the member of staff through any appraisals/ disciplinary procedures etc, if required.

We actively invest in workforce development

Regular appraisals provide an opportunity for Kaly staff members and line managers to discuss training needs. Staff are encouraged to identify training needs and opportunities for continuing professional development (CPD) and discuss these with management at any time.

Kaly has a small annual staff training budget to cover course fees.

As a start-up, Kaly has limited funds for staff training at present, but provides opportunities for learning where possible. Kaly recognises a variety of routes of which the following are examples:

a)  Formal education and training programmes – including professional and vocational training benefiting the individual and Kaly, some leading to formal qualifications and/or certificates

b)  Continuing learning events – conferences, seminars and workshops on a variety of topics of professional and vocational interest

c)  Weekly team meetings and other exchanges of experience, mentoring and job-shadowing

d)  Use of training materials such as books, tapes, videos and software

e)  Ongoing internal and external support for staff involved in professional activities

Kaly commit to no use of zero hours contracts

Kaly opposes the use of fire and rehire practices.

We take action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace

Kaly Group is committed to equal opportunities. The organisation is committed to creating a working environment free from unlawful discrimination on grounds of colour, race, religion, political beliefs, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status or unrelated criminal background. We believe that it is in the best interests of all who are employed by or associated with the organisation to ensure that all human resources, talents and skills available are fully utilised.

Kaly will use existing and future legislation, including (but not exclusively) The Equality Act 2010, as a framework on which to develop and promote good practice.

All employees and subcontractors, and those associated with Kaly, have a responsibility to observe this policy and to ensure that equality of opportunity is continuously provided for in the organisation’s activities.

We are fully committed to paying the real Living Wage to both our employees and contractors.

Kaly is fully committed to paying its employees and subcontractors above the Real Living Wage. As a start-up, some members of Kaly are remunerated on the basis of company shares. These members

Due to all employees working from home, and the nature of our association, we use very few contractors for the work we do. When we engage with external providers, ensure the same principle applies.